From time to time we are asked if we know where members can sell or donate used fiber art materials and equipment and supplies. This is a list of resources we know of.
The DistaffAKim Mastrianni, PO Box 261, Alstead, NH 03602 The Distaff is a New England-based newsletter serving the fiber arts community. Published five times per year, it contains classified advertisements for used equipment, fibers, and animals, an extensive calendar of events, and other items of interest. Classified listings are free.
Fiberarts ClassifiedClassifieds, calendars, suppliers, shows, schools, tours. This website has free resources and services intended for individuals, clubs, guilds, associations and organizations—as long as your focus is on advancing interest in or the state of the fiber arts.
Maine Fiber FrolicPresented by the Maine Llama Association. Held in June at Windsor Fairgrounds in Windsor, Maine. Celebrating fiber,fiber animals, andfiber arts. They have a used fiber equipment sale every year. Check website for more information in April or May.
Maine FiberartsClassified ads are welcome and are free to paid members of Maine Fiberarts. These are posted for three months but can be renewed. Join Maine Fiberarts to place a free ad if you have something to sell or give away. Visit the classifieds page here. If no classified ads are visible, that means we don’t have any current ones. You would enter your ad using the signup form, and pick the “Classifieds” category.
Maine Spinners’ RegistryNancy Williams13 Robinson Rd, Waldoboro, ME 04572 Free online classified listings.
New Hampshire Weavers GuildVirginia Coolidge, PO Box 947, Grantham, NH 03653; and Jane Dumais, 970 Route 4A, Wilmot, NH 03287
Portland Fiber Gallery & Weaving Studio Melodi Hackett 229 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101 Teaches weaving, spinning, knitting and felting to adults and children, occasionally buys/sells used equipment; rents spinning wheels.
Spindleworks Liz McGhee 13 Lincoln Street, Brunswick, ME 04011 Nonprofit Artists’ Cooperative: Gallery, Store, Studios may be interested in donations.
Ruthe’s Collection of Weaving Resources Ruthe Stowe, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada A Canadian website of many weaving and fiber-related resources, including listings of mailing lists, guilds, tips and tricks, fleeces, and other fiber information in the US and in Canada.
Ron’s Fiber Home and Fiber List of Lists Also: Comprehensive web listings from all over the world and lists of email lists you can subscribe to and/or read. A website and blog calling itself a “gathering place for handweavers” has a forum dedicated to things for sale or trade.